
首都大学東京 名誉教授,客員教授,工学博士
〒191-0065 東京都日野市旭が丘6丁目6番地
E-Mail: masai@tmu.ac.jp



(社)日本航空宇宙学会,(社)日本流体力学会(1999-2000, 2008-2009,2013-2014年度理事),(社)日本機械学会 各会員.
ながれ編集委員長(1999-2000年度),航空宇宙技術研究所小型超音速実験機技術委員会委員(1997-2003),日本機械学会流体工学部門技術委員会委員(2007),日本航空宇宙学会便覧編集委員会委員(2004-2005),Associate Editor of Fluid Dynamics Research (2009-),東京都中小型ジェット旅客機開発促進検討委員会委員(2007-2013),日本流体力学会年会2011実行委員長(2011).

- Takaaki Abo, Masahito Asai and Shohei Takagi: Influence of a weak adverse pressure gradient on the generation of tonal protuberance noise in a laminar boundary layer, European Journal of Mechanics B/Fluids, 76, 233-242 (2019).
- Huy Quang Ho and Masahito Asai: Experimental study on the stability of laminar flow in a channel with streamwise and oblique riblets, Physics of Fluids, 30, 024106 (2018).
- Huy Quang Ho, Masahito Asai, Shohei Takagi: Experiments on dependence of streak breakdown on disturbance nature, European Journal of Mechanics B/Fluid, 66 (2017) 1-9.
- Ressa Octavianty and Masahito Asai: Effects of short splitter plates on vortex shedding and sound generation in flow past two side‑by‑side square cylinders, Experiments in Fluids, 57(9), 143 (2016).
- Ressa Octavianty, Masahito Asai and Ayumu Inasawa: Experimental study on vortex shedding and sound radiation from a rectangular cylinder at low Mach numbers, Transactions of Japan Society for Aeronautical and Space Sciences, 59(9), 261-268 (2016).
- Ressa Octavianty and Masahito Asai: Synchronized vortex shedding and sound radiation from two side-by-side rectangular cylinders of different cross-sectional aspect ratios, Physics of Fluids 27, 107103 (2015).
- Tomoaki Ikeda, Takashi Atobe, Daisuke Fujimoto, Ayumu Inasawa and Masahito Asai: Self-noise Effects on Aerodynamics of Cambered Airfoils at Low Reynolds Number, AIAA Journal 58 (8)(2015) 2256-2269.
- Mochamad D Ma’mun, Masahito Asai and Ayumu Inasawa:Instability of boundary layer on two-dimensional corrugation with various wavelengths, Trans. Japan Society for Aeronautical and Space Sciences, 58(3) (2015) 156-162.
- Masashi Kobayashi and Masahito Asai: Experimental investigation of influences of roughness receptivity on protuberance noise, Journal of the Physical Society of Japan, 84, 014404 (2015).
- Masashi Kobayashi, Masahito Asai and Ayumu Inasawa: Experimental investigation of sound generation by a protuberance in a laminar boundary layer, Physics of Fluids 26, 084108 (2014).
- Ayumu Inasawa, Jerzy M. Floryan and Masahito Asai: Flow recovery downstream from a surface protuberance, Theoretical and Computational Fluid Dynamics, 28(4) (2014) 428-447.
- Mochamad Dady Ma’mun and Masahito Asai: Influences of oblique surface corrugation on boundary-layer instability, Journal of the Physical Society of Japan, 83 (8) 084402 (2014).
- Mochamad Dady Ma’mun, Masahito Asai and Ayumu Inasawa: Effects of surface corrugation on the stability of zero-pressure-gradient boundary layer. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 741 (2014) 228-251.
- Jiro Mizushima, Genta Hatsuda, Hiroshi Akamine, Ayumu Inasawa, and Masahito Asai, Rapid annihilation of the K´arm´an vortex street behind a rectangular cylinder, Journal of the Physical Society of Japan, 83 (1) 014402 (2014).
- Ayumu Inasawa, Chiho Ninomiya and Masahito Asai: Suppression of Tonal Trailing-Edge Noise From an Airfoil Using a Plasma Actuator, AIAA Journal 51(7) (2013) 1695-1702.
- Ayumu Inasawa, Masahito Asai and Takuya Nakano: Sound generation in the flow behind a rectangular cylinder of various aspect ratios at low Mach numbers, Computers and Fluids, 82 (2013) 148-157.
- Inasawa, A., Mori, F. and Asai, M.: Deatailed observations of interaction of wing-tip vortices in close formation flight, Journal of Aircraft, 49, 1 (2012) 206-213.
- Floryan, J.M. and Asai, M.: On the transition between distributed and isolated surface roughness and its effect on the stability of channel flow, Physics of Fluids, 23 (2011) 104101.
- Asai, M., Inasawa, A., Konishi, Y., Hoshino, S. and Takagi, S.: Experimental study on the instability of wake of axisymmetric streamlined body, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 675 (2011) 574-595.
- Konishi, Y. and Asai, M.: Development of Subharmonic Disturbance in Spanwise-Periodic Low-Speed Streaks, Fluid Dynamics Research 42 (2010) 035504.
- Makiya, S., Inasawa, A.and Asai, M.: Vortex shedding and noise radiation from a slat trailing edge, AIAA Journal 48, 2 (2010) 502-509.
- Asai, M., Yamanouchi, M., Inasawa, A. and Konishi, Y.: Breakdown of low-speed streaks under high-intensity background turbulence, in Laminar-Turbulent Transition (eds. P. Schlatter and D. Henningson), IUTAM Bookseries, Springer-Verlag (2010) 81-86,
- Imai, T. and Asai, M.: Receptivity of the shear layer separating from a rear-edge of flat plate, Fluid Dynamics Research 41 (2009) 035506.
- Asai, M., Konishi, Y., Oizumi, Y. and Nishioka, M.: Growth and breakdown of low-speed streaks leading to wall turbulence, Journal of Fluid Mechanics 586 (2007) 371-396.
- Asai, M. and Floryan, J.M.: Experiments of the linear instability of flow in a wavy channel, European Journal of Mechanics B/Fluids 25 (2006) 971-986.
- Asai, M. and Konishi, Y: Instability of low-speed streaks leading to wall turbulence, in Elementary Vortices and Coherent Structures: Significance of Turbulence Dynamics (ed. S. Kida), Fluid Mechanics and Its Applications 79, Springer (2006) 235-240.
- Asai, M., Konishi, Y., Oizumi, Y. and Nishioka, M.: Development of streamwise streaks in a quasi-laminar boundary layer downstream of localized suction, in Laminar-Turbulent Transition (ed. R. Govindarajan), Fluid Mechanics and Its Applications 78, Springer (2006) 305-310.
- Asai, M., Shimada, T. and Imai, T.:Experimental study on the separation control of turbulent boundary layers by vortex excitation, Trans. Japan Society for Aeronautical and Space Sciences 47 (2005) 256-261.
- Asai, M. and Floryan, J.M.: Certain aspects of channel entrance flow, Physics of Fluids 16 (2004) 1160-1163.
- Konishi, Y. and Asai, M.: Experimental investigation of the instability of spanwise-periodic low-speed streaks, Fluid Dynamics Research 34 (2004) 299-314.
- Saitoh, N., Asai, M. and Itoh, N.: Development of localized disturbances from an oscillating point source in compressible boundary layers, Trans. Japan Society for Aeronautical and Space Sciences 45 (2003) 211-216.
- Asai, M., Minagawa, M. and Nishioka, M : The Instability and breakdown of a near-wall low-speed streak, Journal of Fluid Mechanics 455 (2002) 289-314.
- Asai, M., Saitoh, N. and Itoh, N: Instability of compressible three-dimensional boundary layers to stationary Disturbances, Trans. Japan Society for Aeronautical and Space Sciences 43 (2001) 190-195.
- Asai, M., Minagawa, M. and Nishioka, M.: Instability and breakdown of the three-dimensional high-shear layer associated with a near-wall low-speed streak, in Laminar-Turbulent Transition (eds. H. Fasel and W. Saric), Springer-Verlag (2000) 269-274.
- Sakaue, S., Asai, M. and Nishioka, M.: On the receptivity process of supersonic laminar boundary layer, in Laminar-Turbulent Transition (eds. H. Fasel and W. Saric), Springer-Verlag (2000) 481-486.
- Asai, M. and Kaneko, M.: Experimental investigation of receptivity of of a shear layer separating at a convex corner, Fluid Dynamics Research 27 (2000) 117-128.
- 空力音響学-渦音の理論,「M.S. Howe: Theory of Vortex Sound」訳書,共立出版,2015年5月.
- 乱流工学ハンドブック(分担執筆),朝倉書店(2009).
- 第3版航空宇宙工学便覧(分担執筆, 編集), 丸善(2005).
- スペクトル解析ハンドブック(分担執筆); 4.3.1遷移機構とスペクトル発展, 朝倉書店(2004).
- ながれの事典(分担執筆);乱流の構造,丸善(2004).
- 稲澤歩, 浅井雅人: 平板上境界層における乱流コンタミネーションの臨界条件, 日本機械学会論文集B 77, 774 (2011) 205-213.
- 稲澤歩,葉坂卓也,浅井雅人 : スプリッタプレート付円柱後流の安定性, 日本機械学会論文集B 74 (2008) 1903-1909.
- 城井浩, 浅井雅人,稲澤歩 : 平面壁と平行に走行する直方体形状物体の底面と壁面との間の流れ, 日本機械学会論文集B 74 (2008) 1026-1031.
- 浅井雅人: 壁面せん断琉の乱流遷移, フルードパワーシステム 38 (2007) 228-232.
- 稲澤歩, 戸田健二, 浅井雅人: 加速度運動する円柱後流の安定性と渦構造に関する実験的研究, 日本機械学会論文集B 73 (2007) 767-773.
- 小西康郁, 浅井雅人, 大泉祐樹:周期低速ストリークの乱流変動に対する応答, 日本機械学会論文集B 70 (2004) 319-324.
- 小西康郁, 浅井雅人:層流境界層中の周期低速ストリークの不安定性に関する実験的研究,日本機械学会論文集B 69 (2003) 1615-1620.
- 浅井雅人, 星武志, 田部井康一:壁面吸込みによる平板上境界層の再層流化と再遷移, 日本機械学会論文集B 68 (2002) 1016-1021.
- 高井知奈, 山崎直, 浅井雅人:翼端渦と平面壁の干渉に関する実験的研究, ながれ 20 (2001) 501-504.
- 浅井雅人:乱流遷移機構と層流化, 日本航空宇宙学会誌 (2000) 144-147.

- 2005年度日本機械学会賞(論文賞)
“周期低速ストリークの乱流変動に対する応答”,小西康郁,浅井雅人,大泉祐樹,日本機械学会論文集B70 (2004) 319-324