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Sep. 30,2016
Ressa Octavianty received her Ph.D degree in September 2016.
Oct. 1,2015
Ms. Ressa Octavianty and Mr. Huy Quang Ho gave presentations at International Conference on Jets, Wakes and Separated flows (16-18 June, 2015, Stockholm).
Oct. 1,2015
Ms. Ressa Octavianty gave a presentation at ASME-JSME-KSME Joint Fluids Engineering Conference 2015 (26-31 July, 2015, Seoul).
Mar. 26,2015
Masashi Kobayashi received his Ph.D degree in March 2015.
Sep. 18,2014
Mochamad Dady Mamun (student from Indonesia) received his Ph.D degree in September 2014.
Nov. 23,2013
Mr. Fujimoto gave a presentation at the 2013 Asia-Pacific International Symposium on Aerospace Technology, Nov 20-22, 2013, Takamatsu
Oct. 21,2013
Three PhD students (M.D.Ma'mun, R. Octavianty, M.Kobayashi) gave presentations at 14th Asian Conference of Fluid Mechanics, Hanoi, Oct. 15-19.
Oct. 1,2013
Huy Ho Quang, a new Ph.D student from Indonesia, joined our laboratory members.